Americans Have Lowest Life Expectancy of English-Speaking Countries
Americans have come last in an analysis of the life expectancy of people living in English-speaking countries.
Citizens of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand have all lived longer on average since the early 1990s, according to research led by a team of social scientists at Pennsylvania State University.
Americans had the shortest life expectancy at birth, with men living to an average age of 76.5 years in 2019 and women living an average of nearly 81.5 years.
Summit County Has Highest Life Expectancy in US
Most mornings, Margarita Dreyer wakes up around 7 a.m. and gets right to her exercises—stretches, strengthening reps, and pushups. She golfs at least twice a week, skis in Vail, CO, each winter, and regularly parties with her friends. Did we mention the retired furniture import business owner is 85?
In America, the median life span is nearly 79 years, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But that's not universal. There are pockets of the Deep South and the Dakotas where a storm of socioeconomic factors lowers life expectancy to 68 years or less. But then there's the other side of the equation: the special places where people regularly blow right past 80, healthy and active, and just keep on going.
Summit County CO Median life span: 86.8 years
December home prices extend decade-long growth streak
The FHFA Housing Price Index (HPI) and the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices reported annual growth of 4.5% and 3.9%, continuing a streak of quarterly appreciation since 2012.
What's all this mean if you want a long, healthy, active retirement come to the Summit! If you are not ready to retire now, buy now, rent and save a bundle. Prices are still trending upward and now is a great time to buy.
It's Opportunity Time Again!
Tides shifted in Summit’s 2024 real estate market, experts say.
Buyers largely held the upper hand in Summit County’s real estate market in 2024 and had more negotiating power compared to recent years as trends moved away from the High Country’s pandemic-fueled real estate spike, real estate agents say.
If you’re ready to explore your options, let’s connect.