October Market Report
Looking at the numbers below you can see that properties are still selling and at a faster pace than new listings are coming on. The low inventory will keep prices relatively stable. You can see that $ volume is down only half by percentage points to that of the number of transactions indicating prices are holding gains from the last quarter and first two quarters. Also note the number of expired listings; 43 of these are Uptown 240, the failed condo project in Dillon. Still 57 expireds. People are taking their property off the market to get their winter income. You still have time to do this before all the inventory dries up an the skiing gets good. Call me now.
In a new report published in the Summit Daily News; Breckenridge Tourism Office Director of Operations Bill Wishowski said that winter season nights on the books are down 7% over last year, but they were 5% over the 2018-19 season. December nights are down 23%, and February nights are up about 20% and March is up about 10%. December nights are going to pick up a little as the snow comes but having the holidays on the weekend always screws this up. I'm confident January will be up significantly to compensate.
Information courtesy of Land Title Company-See the full report
*Market Snapshot for YTD Year 2022 vs Full Year 2021: Average Indicators for $: Single Family +22, Multi- Family +22% and Vacant Land +30%. Median Indicators for Single Family +31%, Multi- Family +14% and Vacant Land +35%.
*Market Analysis % Change YTD August 2022: YTD 2022, $ volume is pacing 16% down from YTD 2021, and transactions are 35% down from YTD 2021.
Weekly Market Update
11/1/22 338 Actives 145 Non-preconstruction Pendings.
Solds last 30 days average 96.6% of list price. Pendings DOM; Median 38 Ave 59.
The Week of June 23rd-Notice more price reductions. Lots of new listings coming on the market. Now's the time while our inventory is peaking
Price Decrease (26)
Price Increase (1)
New Listing (15)
Back On Market (3)
Pending (33)
Sold (44)
Withdrawn (11)
Expired (100)
October '22 Market Report

Nov 05, 2022
Market Trends