Thinking about Retirement?
By Lori Thomas
The average person spends decades saving for retirement and planning for this major financial decision; however, while most seniors envision retirement being completely stress-free, there are many financial hurdles to clear, and multiple factors that can impact retirement finances, as well.
Did you know that among all of these factors, where you live can actually have the biggest impact on your retirement finances? Here are a couple of things to consider when you’re deciding where to settle down when you’re ready to get out of the rat race.
Services for Seniors
When you think about retirement, you might have visions of long afternoons out on the links, time on the beach with your grandchildren, or just a nice relaxing place to put your feet up. But don’t forget that you might need a little help staying fit enough to keep your golf game in top shape. It’s worth exploring the availability and cost of healthcare services for seniors in any place you’re considering retiring. Find out what it might cost you if you or your spouse needs in home care or what assisted living facilities cost in the event they’re needed. These costs can vary significantly from place to place, so it’s worth your time to do a little research.
Add up the Tax Bill
While most of us think about spending our hard-earned savings on enjoying the good life, going into retirement doesn’t exclude you from having to pay your share to government. Retirement planning should always include planning for taxes, including income, property and sales tax. Shopping for a new home in retirement might also mean shopping for a location and a price that will help you stay on budget for your golden years.
Remember, your retirement journey is a very personal one, and where you choose to retire is completely up to you and your vision for your perfect retirement; however, the more you know about the financial climate in the state you currently reside or are looking to retire in, the better prepared you'll be for this major life change.
Thinking about Retirement?

Dec 23, 2018