Most home loans have fees. You can sometimes borrow the money need to cover these fees, but that will obviously increase the overall amount of debt you undertake. Some fees are paid up front, and others are not due until closing. Typically, you will be charged for these kinds of fees at closing:
Application fees
Attorney fees
Recording fees
Notary fees
Appraisal fees
Credit report fees
Title examination
Abstract of title fees
Title insurance premiums
Property survey fees
Deed preparing fees
Other mortgage fees
When you apply for a home mortgage, the lender is required to send you a Loan Estimate form within three days of your application. This three page document will include information about your mortgage including the estimated closing costs associated with your loan. You should review this document and make sure you understand all of the costs associated with closing.
I have a great list of local experts in the lending business. Call me today for my best recommendations.
Don't hesitate to contact me to learn more about the closing process for your home.